Weekly Social Ocean Swim

Event Date:

14 March 2025

Event Time:

6:00 pm

Event Location:

Gunnamatta Bay Nets

Come and Join the Fun

Ocean swimming can be hazardous but is very much a part of triathlon and our local community. Bearing this in mind the club arranges a social swim on a Friday evening either at Gunnamatta Bay outside the nets or Cronulla Beach so that members can swim in the relative safety of a group.

A buddy system and a stronger sweeper swimmer is incorporated into the swim to encourage safety, however all participants are reminded to consider:

(a) their ability to swim these distances unaided and without safety personnel and

(b) the conditions on a given day,

Please wear a bright swim cap for safety, and be ready to enter the water at 6:00pm sharp to make the most of the fading sunlight.

A decision will be made during the Friday afternoon as to the location and posted in the Members FaceBook group.

Feel free to wear a wetsuit and or fins should you wish.

  • Gunnamatta Bay Nets
  • Gunnamatta Bay
  • Cronulla
  • NSW
  • 2230
  • Australia
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